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Clarity Starts With Inner Sense

Kavita Satwalekar

Founder – Inner Sense

SE Asia’s Most Trusted Coach for Authentic Leadership, High-Performance & Empowerment

Do you want to win through the noise, embody your strengths and authentically shine?

Kavita Satwalekar


“In a short period of time Kavita helped me to not only identify my goals but how to achieve them as well. Some of the goals I held for a long time but wasn’t able to prioritize the time for myself, to make them a reality.”

Teacher, International School of Ho Chi Minh City

“I would recommend life-coaching with Kavita to anyone that was considering it. It is an investment in learning to appreciate yourself and the time that you deserve.”

Tracey B

“I am really finding our sessions exceptionally useful, it is prompting me to recognize some very real barriers that are preventing me from succeeding!”

Susie M

“Coaching with Kavita was a really insightful and empowering experience, which I imagine I will seek to repeat as new crossroads present themselves. Her guidance through the process really helped me clarify my thinking and unblock old patterns.”

Jasmin W

“I achieved more in 2 weeks than I had in the past 18 months, thanks to working with Kavita!”

Kavita Satwalekar & Gail Gibson’s New Book

The Rise Of See-19©️ Leadership

See Beyond and Become the LEADER YOU ARE BORN TO BE

Emerging from a world of constant change and unpredictability this leadership book breaks new ground and introduces a powerful and pioneering approach using a hybrid SEE-19©️ Leadership model.

Rising-leadership thought leaders, Satwalekar and Gibson, have embraced the power of what can be to enable leaders to see beyond, embody and implement winning leadership traits. The Rise of SEE-19©️ Leadership fosters gender equality, with diversity, enabling all SEE-19©️ Leaders to lead with a conscious mindset.

Imagine the emergence of a new generation of leaders and a thriving work environment like our world has never experienced before.

Kavita and Gail

About The Authors

Kavita Satwalekar

Leadership coach, wellness expert, mentor, speaker and author Kavita Satwalekar uses signature coaching techniques that enable leaders to win through the noise, embody their strengths and authentically shine. She embodies her tagline of Inner Sense by Kavita, by empowering clients to make sense of their inner worlds, thus enabling them to lead from within.

Gail Gibson

Award-winning performance and leadership coach, international speaker, podcast host and author, Gail Gibson, delivers a unique style of ‘Can Do’ coaching with proven results. The simple, yet incredibly effective coaching techniques she has honed and developed, have led to life-changing transformations in mindset, wellbeing, and personal performance for her numerous clients.

Kavita and Gail tap into concepts and techniques that are fresh and timeless. A complex world requires complex methods and SEE-19© offers a framework for high performing organizations seeking to move away from traditional “command and control” structures, and win in distributed, collaborative, multifaceted environments.

Kevin Paetz, CEO BDF Corporation
Practical, educational, and real food for thought, for the modern-day leader. Kavita and Gail’s book will challenge your thinking around the position of leadership in the post Covid era. Well written with real passion and depth, their SEE-19© Leader model takes the emotionally intelligent leader to the next level, with an eight-pillar model for leadership.

Steve Preston, The Career Catalyst®
Internationally acclaimed Author & Speaker

Satwalekar and Gibson have captured the essence of what’s required of leaders in post COVID times. Just like a compass, use it to guide your leadership journey to take you confidently into the future. Practical, thought-provoking and useful.

Sue Stockdale, Speaker, Author and Adventurer
1st British woman to ski to Magnetic North Pole

Authentic leadership in education yield exceptional results.

International School of Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC)

American Academy of Vietnam

United World College South East Asia-Dover & East (SG),

Saint Josephs Institution International (SG)

Dover Court International School (SG)

GEMS (Singapore & Malaysia)

Global Indian International School (SG),

Singapore American School (SG)

Putting the best of my corporate experience and methodology at the service of education, time management and leadership development

Coaching energizes me from 6am and 9pm. I absolutely love what I do! Just in the past 18 months, I have worked 1:1 with over 50 teachers and leaders in education. From a long career training and empowering people to become better leaders in Corporate America, I now share my unique experience and proprietary systems to enable educators and leaders in Education to become high-performers and positively impact their environment.

My training systems address the needs of international school teachers and leaders who find themselves overwhelmed and stressed. The outcomes experienced by my clients include greater focus, better and deeper engagement with students, efficient time management.

By reclaiming their sense of control over time, they often find themselves reigniting their passion for teaching and overcome the guilt associated with being spread too thin.

I enable leaders to draw on their natural ability to cut through the noise and leverage their strengths to authentically shine

I was recently invited to Vietnam to run a week-long workshop whose purpose was the mastery of Stress & Time Management. Our holistic approach enabled us to work with the students, the teachers and the parents addressing these subjects from the individual perspective of each group of stakeholders.

Inner Sense Training Programs For Educators


Kick-start a mindset shift, while learning about yourself in depth


More in-depth coaching support + group mastermind classes


Develop and maintain life-long shifts in mindset + collaborate with other masterminds in the field

I train people to embrace their passions in order to realize their full potential and align their personal and professional lives

What Inner Sense Systems allow us to achieve together

Sense of direction
Finding hidden layers
Creating a trusting environment
Resilience and optimism to manage adversity

Inspired leadership in the corporate environment creates sustainable growth

Kavita has worked with: Franklin Templeton Singapore | Darusaalam Assets, Brunei | Mercer, Singapore | Millennium, Singapore & Hong Kong

Take the free assessment!

How well is your team?

A survey to measure the Social, Emotional and Physical Wellbeing of your team

When you complete your assessment, call or email me for a FREE complimentary 30-minute call to discuss survey results.

Kuala Lumpur Office: +60 17 812 6751
Singapore Office: +65 8317 4405

What are the benefits of Inner Sense Proprietary Systems?

Secret Blueprint to Wellbeing in the Corporate World
Your Inner Sense Path To Exceptional Leadership

My experience has shown me that authenticity coaching empowers you with clarity of thought and enables you to focus on what’s truly important for you.

Awaken the FemXecutive©

Corporate Women In Leadership

Do you know your weak links?
All of us have weak links in our lives. For some of us, it’s the things we do to sabotage ourselves. Do you know what you do to
sabotage yourself?

Quieten the Noise and Get Focused!
In today’s world of multi-tasking; managing work, your family, your home, social media, etc., etc., life has become ever so complicated! There isn’t a single moment of “quiet time” that we can afford for ourselves during the day, week, or sometimes even in a month. Life just goes by, with us spinning in place, putting out fires and living everywhere but at the moment. In order to get focused and move forward, we need to quieten the noise!
Other Inner Sense Corporate Programs
  • Women Self-Leadership Group mentoring program
  • Time to Pause Group coaching
  • Women Leaders Network Leadership Platform
  • Women Leaders Mastermind Group
  • Corporate Wellbeing Webinars

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Contact info
Singapore Office: +65 8317-4405
Kuala Lumpur Office: +60 17 812-6751

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